به سميرا زنگ زدم...براش گفتم که دو نفر ديگه زنده نيستند...دو مرد جوان...
همينطور که توي سکوت بین جمله هام صدای نفس کشیدنشو گوش می کردم اشکهام کم کم راه افتادن(اتفاقی که خیلی کم پیش میاد)....
سمیرا صدای اشکهام رو شنید و گفت اما، تو الان برای اون گریه نمیکنی،برای اون گریه میکنی؟
اونوقت بود که خودمو دیدم که لبخند زدم و گوشی تلفن رو نزدیکتر آوردم و گفتم:
می دونی، واسه همینه که دوستت دارم..
It is a strange sort of pain
"to die of yearning for something you'll never experience"
Friday, February 28, 2003
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Saturday, February 22, 2003
Friday, February 21, 2003
Monday, February 17, 2003
I am the question to the world,
Not an answer to the earth,
Or a moment that's held in your arms.
And what do you think you'd ever say?
I wont listen anyway.
You don't know me and,
I'll never be what you want me to be..
(John Rzeznik)
I am the question to the world,
Not an answer to the earth,
Or a moment that's held in your arms.
And what do you think you'd ever say?
I wont listen anyway.
You don't know me and,
I'll never be what you want me to be..
(John Rzeznik)
Friday, February 14, 2003
see black talk and
the spy here...
and take a look at the dead bee too,that's my favorate..
well done B, well done..
well,couple of month ago i used to think that there must be some way to make it right.
several hours and several days went by and i was just there looking at my life and counting minutes that were filled with regret.
there was only one thing in my mind:"i gotta do something, i gotta take F back, i gotta.."
it took me more than 4 month to realize what has happened..what has been changed in me.
that was me,shaking in my shoes..for fear of losing F...not only F but anybody whom i get involve with..
fear of loving and being loved...fear of bliss(like A says)
and now i feel better cuz now i know what was missed in me...
Friday, February 07, 2003
Expression,it's a name,name of a very beautiful photo by my friend,B.
check it here
see the hands? beautiful.
thank you B, world's such a better place when we know someone remembers these moments, moments like
Expression,it's a name,name of a very beautiful photo by my friend,B.
check it here
see the hands? beautiful.
thank you B, world's such a better place when we know someone remembers these moments, moments like
یه دوست نازنین و عالی دارم،اسمش "بامداد"ِ،یکی از اون معدود آدمای نازنین،که این تازگیها کم پیدا می شن.این دوست خوب من عکاس خیلی خوبی هم هست و اینقدر ماهه که به من اجازه داده لینک عکساشو بذارم اینجا تا بقیه هم ببینن.
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
Height is the one for me
It gives me all I need
And helps me co-excist with the chill
You make me sick because I adore you so
I love all the dirty tricks
And twisted games you play on me
Space dementia in your eyes
Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again
You'll make us want to die
I'd cut your name in my heart
We'll destroy this world for you
I know you want me to feel your pain
Space dementia in your eyes
Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again
Height is the one for me
It gives me all I need
And helps me co-excist with the chill
You make me sick because I adore you so
I love all the dirty tricks
And twisted games you play on me
Space dementia in your eyes
Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again
You'll make us want to die
I'd cut your name in my heart
We'll destroy this world for you
I know you want me to feel your pain
Space dementia in your eyes
Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again
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